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Now is the Time to Evaluate Your Cybersecurity & IT Infrastructure

As the long days of summer wind down and the back-to-school season approaches, businesses often find themselves in a period of transition. With vacations ending and routines returning to normal, now is an ideal time to take stock of your organization's cybersecurity and IT infrastructure. Much like the way students prepare for a new academic year with fresh supplies and a mindset ready for success, your business can benefit from a strategic review and reinforcement of its technological defenses.

Why Now?

The end of summer presents a unique opportunity to evaluate your cybersecurity posture for several reasons:

  1. Refreshed Focus: Just as students return to school with a renewed focus, your team can approach cybersecurity and IT infrastructure with a fresh perspective. This is the perfect time to address any lingering issues and set the foundation for a secure and productive remainder of the year.
  2. New Threats on the Horizon: Cyber threats are constantly evolving, and what protected your business last year may not be sufficient today. As schools reopen and businesses return to full swing, cybercriminals often ramp up their efforts, targeting vulnerabilities in outdated systems.
  3. Seasonal Slowdown: For many industries, the summer months are less hectic. With fewer projects and a calmer pace, your IT team has the bandwidth to conduct thorough assessments and implement necessary changes without disrupting day-to-day operations.

Key Areas to Assess

When evaluating your cybersecurity and IT infrastructure, consider focusing on the following critical areas:

  1. Security Updates and Patch Management: Ensure all software, applications, and systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches. Unpatched vulnerabilities are a common entry point for cyberattacks.
  2. Network Security: Conduct a thorough review of your network security protocols. This includes firewall settings, intrusion detection systems, and the overall configuration of your network architecture. Consider whether your current setup is still adequate or if it's time to upgrade.
  3. Employee Training: With the influx of phishing attacks and social engineering tactics, continuous employee training is crucial. Use this time to refresh your team’s awareness of cybersecurity best practices, especially as new threats emerge.
  4. Data Backup and Recovery: Verify that your data backup processes are functioning correctly and that recovery plans are up to date. This ensures your business can quickly bounce back in the event of a data breach or system failure.
  5. Access Control: Review who has access to what within your organization. Ensure that permissions are appropriately restricted and that former employees no longer have access to sensitive information.
  6. Zero Trust Framework: Consider implementing or refining a Zero Trust security model, where no one inside or outside your network is trusted by default. This approach minimizes the risk of unauthorized access.
  7. Cloud Security: If your business relies on cloud services, evaluate the security measures in place. Ensure that data encryption, access controls, and other security protocols meet industry standards.


Planning for the Future

As you prepare your business for the fall season, it's important to not only address current vulnerabilities but also plan for the future. Consider the following strategies:

  • Regular Security Audits: Schedule regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance and security. This proactive approach helps identify and mitigate risks before they become significant issues.
  • Invest in Cyber Hygiene: Simple practices like regular password changes, multi-factor authentication, and careful management of user privileges can go a long way in protecting your organization. Check out our four-part series on cyber hygiene at
  • Engage with Experts: If your internal team lacks the expertise or bandwidth to handle these evaluations, consider partnering with a cybersecurity firm. Experts can provide insights and recommendations tailored to your specific needs.

The end of summer and back-to-school season is more than just a time for new beginnings—it’s a strategic moment to bolster your cybersecurity and IT infrastructure. By taking the time now to evaluate and enhance your defenses, you can ensure your business is better prepared to face the challenges ahead. Don’t wait until it’s too late; start your cybersecurity check-up today.

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